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Order Approvals
Anthony Blair avatar
Written by Anthony Blair
Updated over a week ago

Cofactr allows you to set thresholds for orders to require approval. You can set an order threshold by navigating to Settings> Organization Settings > Order Preferences

You can input a dollar value threshold, where orders over or under that amount need order approval.

Orders can be approved by Admin users in your organization, or orders app admins. To learn more about adding new users, or updating permissions, check out our "What is a user and what are permission levels?" article.

When users submit a purchase over the threshold amount, the final checkout button will show as "Request Approval" as shown below.

For users with Admin access, approval requests will appear in the Orders app, under "Carts"

Select the request, and click the "approve" button to review the request and approve/deny.

If some time has passed since the purchase was requested, it's possible some offers might have changed and the request needs attention. The approval workflow will show you what changed, and how to resolve it. Most likely, any changes will be inconsequential such as a shuffling of suppliers as shown below.

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