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Google Sheets Inventory Integration

Sync Stock Data between Google Sheets and Cofactr

Matthew Haber avatar
Written by Matthew Haber
Updated over a week ago

Why would I want to sync inventory data to Cofactr?

If you have a record of parts inventory that is stored somewhere other than Cofactr, such as your warehouse, factory, or contract manufacturer, it may be valuable to be able to see in Cofactr what stock you have and where it is. While it is possible to manage this information manually within the Cofactr platform, if you have many parts, it will be more efficient to manage this in an external spreadsheet and periodically sync that data to Cofactr.

What can I do with synced inventory data in Cofactr?

Stock data synced from external sources will appear in Cofactr the same as inventory data managed natively within Cofactr. You can view it throughout the platform and allocate it to Production Runs.

What can't I do with synced inventory data in Cofactr?

Stock data synced from external sources will not be editable within the Cofactr platform. You also can't add it to Shipments, create related Handling Tasks, or view more detailed stock-lot-level traceability and ledger data.

How often will this data refresh?

By default, refreshed data will be pulled from your source once per day at approximately 12:00am Eastern Time. You can also trigger a one-off sync from the Integrations App in the Cofactr platform. To request a more frequent or custom synchronization schedule, please contact [email protected].

Delayed Synchronization

Synchronizations with integration data sources are run asynchronously in a background task queue, so it may take some time for your job to run, even if it appears to have been completed in the Job History in the Integrations app.

If it has been more than 24 hours and your data does not appear to have synchronized, please contact [email protected] for assistance.

Setting Up Your Spreadsheet(s)

There are some specific requirements for how your Google Sheets files are configured to enable the integration to work properly.

You can have as many separate Google Sheets files and as many sheets within each file as you'd like.

Your column names don't have to match our supported columns(you will be able to match them when you configure the integration), but you will need a few specific columns to be included.

Supported Columns

  • Manufacturer Part Number (mpn)

  • Custom/Internal Part Number (custom_id)

  • On Hand Stock (on_hand)

  • Expected Stock (expected)

  • Allocated Stock (allocated)

  • Unallocated Stock (unallocated)

  • Facility ID (stock_location_id)

Required Columns

  • Either mpn or custom_id is required. You can also provide both.

  • on_hand

  • Either stock_location_id is required, or the Facility ID can be specified as a sheet name (see more info below)

Specifying Facilities

Cofactr needs to associate the inventory that is being synchronized from Google Sheets with a Facility Stock Location in Cofactr.

Before setting up your integration, you will need to create facilities in Cofactr by navigating to Kitting & Shipping > Stock Locations and clicking New Address.

Once you have created your Facilities, turn on the ID column for the Stock Locations table and copy the ID value for each Facility. You will need to use those IDs for the following steps.

There are two ways to specify this information within your Google Sheets

  1. Include a column for stock_location_id in each of your sheets

  2. Name the individual sheets within your documents with the ID of the relevant facility

Linking Google Sheets to Cofactr

Step 1

Navigate to the Integrations App via the Dashboard or by clicking the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner of the platform and selecting Integrations

Step 2

Click the + icon on the Google Sheets tile within Sync Stock Lots to enable the integration for your Org

Step 3

Authenticate with your Google account when prompted.

Step 4

Select 1 or more sheets from your Google Drive to sync and click Save

Step 5
Navigate back into the integration configuration.

Step 6

Navigate to the Mapping tab. Please be patient, as it may take a minute or two to load.

Select one of your sheets, map your columns, then click Save.

Step 7

Navigate to Quick Actions and click Run Job to initiate the initial import.

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