This article walks through kitting, receiving, and de-kitting in Cofactr, for any parts originally procured outside of the platform by you or a customer.
Step 1: Uploading a BOM to create a Kit
First, navigate to the BOM App within Cofactr.
Then, create a BOM containing the parts you'd like to be in the kit. Cofactr will read from the BOM to eliminate manual data entry for you. Click “New Bill Of Materials” on the BOMs page.
You can then fill out the BOM information. Here are some helpful guidelines:
The Name of the BOM should be an internal reference number, such as a work order number or customer project number. Something that internally you will be able to match up to the project being worked on.
The Part Number should be something specific to the customer this kit will be for, such as ‘Customer widget 123789’
The Version should be the version of the BOM that was provided to you by the customer. If it’s the first version of the BOM they have sent, it might be referred to as ‘1’ or ‘A’
Next, you can click “Upload BOM” to add all parts in the kit and then select a BOM file to upload. You can upload an .xlsx, .xls, or .csv file. Please note: At this time, the BOM file must include a header row.
Please be sure all columns are matched to the appropriate import column. You can click “Confirm” when all columns are matched. The BOM will take a few moments to load—Cofactr is matching all the imported parts to the Cofactr library.
Please note: Once the upload is complete, be sure Cofactr successfully matched all the parts to an MPN in our library. Any BOM line not matched will not be able to be used in the kit. If there was a BOM line for anything other than a searchable MPN will need to be ignored or deleted.
Next, you can create a kit of parts that have been consigned and are shipping to you.
Select all the parts in the BOM by checking the box at the top of the table.
Then click the airplane icon on the right side of the screen.
To create a new shipment - Click the ‘ + ‘ button. Next, select ‘Kit Transfer’ Tab and enter details about the kit. Here are some helpful guidelines:
The Facility should always be set to your facility.
The Kit By Deadline could be marked as today if you were kitting immediately. Or the deadline that this project needs to go to assembly. It cannot be left blank.
The Notes should be a reference to the kit, this would be another good place to your internal reference number such as the work order number.
Step 2: Adding Parts to kit
As you add the parts to the kit, you can set preferences for the kit. The following preferences enable you to create a kit of parts that have all been consigned and are being shipped to you by the customer.
Enter the number of units that will be produced.
Deselect ‘Add Overages for Assembly Attrition’
Deselect ‘Included Expected Stock Lots’
Deselect ‘Include Processing Stock Lots’
Deselect ‘Include On Hand Stock Lots
Select ‘Create New Expected Stock Lots’
Note: If you wanted to include parts that you have already received or parts that were used in a previous kit, you would need to change these preferences to reflect that.
When you're done, click ‘Calculate Stock Lot Assignments’
This will generate all the BOM lines into the kit as expected stock lots that can then be received and kitted when they arrive. Next, Click ‘Create & Add To Shipment’. A notification will come up in the top corner of Cofactr, telling you the parts were added to the kit. You can click the Arrow to go to the shipment details.
To navigate to the shipment, go to the ‘Shipments’ page and search for the internal number. When you are ready to begin kitting, or your customer has notified you that parts are on the way, click the ‘Approve Kit’.
Step 3: Receiving & Kitting
When you are ready to receive the parts and start building the kit, navigate to the Cofactr warehouse app on the ‘Receiving’ Page.
There, you should see all shipments and kits. Find the Kit you are receiving and click on it.
Scan a stock location to set it as your ‘Receiving Location’.
Next, click the bubble menu in the bottom right and click ‘Kit Label’.
This will print the kit label for the bin so it can be easily recognized.
You can scan a supplier 2d barcode, and the system will automatically find it in the Cofactr platform and match it to the expected part in the kit. If there isn’t a barcode to scanned you can click on the part you are receiving.
If a supplier barcode was scanned much of the details will be filled in automatically.
Fill in as many details about the part as you can. When all info is correctly entered Click ‘+ Receive’.
This will print the stock lot label. This label is used to identify the part in Cofactr from now on. A kitting label for the part will also be printed. This label is used to dictate the details of the part as it pertains to the kit.
Receiving Exceptions
These are a few things that could come up when receiving. The most important thing is to received all the part that are shipped to you.
Part isn’t expected in the kit
If you scan, or enter an MPN, that the kit was not expecting, you will see a warning above the ‘+ Receive’ Button
You should fill out as much info as you can, just like any other part. When you click ‘+ Receive’ button, a stock lot label will print, but a kit label will not because the part is not actually in the kit.
When you Receive it will add a line for the part into the kit, you will see a green check marking it as received, followed by an ‘!’ noting that it hasn’t been kitted. It can be mitigated later.
Part quant is different than expected
Less Quant
If you manually enter a quantity that is less than expected, you will see a warning, and Cofactr will prompt you to add a note.
This note will be attached to the kitting line. It will print on the kitting label, so assembly will know this part has less quantity than expected. This note is also visible when looking at the kit in the Kitting & Shipping app, so the customer may be informed they have sent less quantity for the part than was expected for the kit assembly.
The note will tell you how many were expected and how many were received. If you believe this will be an issue during assembly, the Customer can be notified. This can also be checked in the Kitting & Shipping App; by looking at the kit details and selecting the ‘Stock-Lots’ tab, the note on the part will also be visible.
Once all the parts have been received or mitigated, in the ‘Receive’ page click the menu bubble and click ‘Complete Receive’.
This will remove the kit from the Receiving screen.
Step 4: De-Kitting
When the kit is returned from assembly, we can then de-kit the parts. In the warehouse app go to ‘De-Kit’.
Next, scan a location to assign a location for the de-kitted parts to be moved to. This location can be the same location they are already in, or different if moving them into a storage location. Then select the kit or kits that are ready to be de-kitted.
You'll need to click on each stock lot. Based on the kit amount, an estimated quantity to consume will be shown. The ‘Consume event note’ lets the Cofactr system keep track of what kit consumed how much. If the stock lot is used in more than one kit, you can then look back in the data to track how much quantity each kit consumed.
Click consume to adjust the stock quantity down by the amount being consumed.
If the consume quantity is higher than the quantity of the stock lot, then there should not be any parts remaining. If the stock lot has been completely depleted click ‘Trash Stock Lot’.
If the estimate is off and you know how many parts were used during assembly you can manually adjust the ‘Quantity to consume’. When the stock has been consumed and de-kitted it will disappear from the stock lots list. When all stock lots have been consumed and de-kitted the kit will disappear from the de-kit list.