You can view all your inventory of your parts from the Stock/Part Stock view.
Parts Stock is a list of the quantities of each part that you have in total and what the current status of those parts are. A view of your Parts stock can be found in the Inventory app in via Part Stock.
That should look something like this:
You can see a list of all the parts you own and the status which can be Expected, Processing, or On Hand.
Expected, Processing, and On Hand Parts:
Expected parts are parts that have been ordered but have not yet arrived at Cofactr
Processing are any parts that are currently involved in a process and so are not immediately available. These processes include things like baking for MSL reset, being reeled, or other handling request.
On Hand means that the parts are fully available in Cofactr storage and are ready for shipping immediately.
The 'Total' is a summary of Expected, Processing, and On Hand added together.
Clicking into a part will take you to an Individual Part Stock View that looks like this:
From this view you can see any stock lots of the part that you have in inventory from the 'Stock Lots' tab and any changes to the parts ledger via the 'Inventory Ledger' tab.
You can also submit handling requests from this view. More on handling requests HERE.